Thank you for your support! Please invite others to learn about no-profit power at
Your donations are going to the Public Power San Diego education campaign of San Diego Earth Day, a California 501(3) corporation.
Donors contributing before December 31, 2024 will be considered Founders of Public Power San Diego!
Click here to go to the donation processing page
Suggested donation levels:
Spark $5
Firefly $24
Lantern $25-99
High Beam $100-999
Comet $1,000-4,999
Full Moon $5,000-9,999
Dawn Light $10,000
Sun $50,000
Red Giant $100,000
Neutron star $1,000,000
**NOTE: if your transaction does not go through twice, due to security processing, you will not be able to resubmit for another hour. We apologize for any inconvenience.