Find Action Alerts on this page. If there is no alert with a deadline, the info for contacting city council is below. They are open for input.

There are two ways to acheive no-profit public power in the City of San Diego.

1. Five votes on the City Council could adopt it.
2. Voters may vote to adopt it by voting on a ballot initiative.

In May of 2024 the Power San Diego  public power initiative gained enough verified voter signatures to trigger a City Council Hearing. A lot was learned, including hearing why the 8 members in attendance (District 1-7, and 9) voted 8-0 not to adopt it.
Statements by council members at the hearing revealed numerous misconceptions that they made little to no effort to address.

What can make a difference is enough members of the public supporting public power.
1. Make sure you JOIN our email list to receive Action Alerts. We will alert you of timely hearings where your input can matter.
2. Share the website with others and on social media.
3. Stay tuned for other action opportunities.

How to contact City of San Diego Council members

District 1 Joe LaCava 619-236-6611
District 2 Jennifer Campbell 619-236-66122
District 3 Stephen Whitburn 619-236-6633
District 4 Henry Foster III 619-236-6644
District 5 Marni Von Wilpert 619-236-6655
District 6 Kent Lee 619-236-6644
District 7 Raul Campillo 619-236-6677
District 8 Vivian Moreno 619-236-6688
Distict 9 Sean Elo-Rivera 619-236-6699
Mailing address for all:
City Administration Building
202 C Street, 11th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 236-6330
Find which district you are in at the Registrar of Voters look-up page
@Venmo: sdearthday
Public Power San Diego is an educational project of San Diego EarthWorks, a 501(3)c California non-profit corporation. Please consider donating or volunteering for our campaign to build a strong movement. We need people with all kinds of skills.